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dc.contributor.authorSzaniawska, Lucyna-
dc.identifier.citationMapa a tekst, red. nauk. Karol Łopatecki, Warszawa 2022, s. 509-547pl
dc.description.abstractMapy wojenne na potrzeby prowadzenia działań na Półwyspie Apenińskim w latach 1944–1945 wykonywała 12 Kompania Geograficzna II Korpusu Polskiego. Arkusze mapy militarno-wywiadowczej serii GSGS No. 4228 Italy 1:25 000 drukowane i częściowo opracowywane przez 12 Kompanię Geograficzną miały objaśnienia omówione w trzech grupach: dotyczące przyfrontowych umocnień obronnych (Cassino, Sheet II N.E. oraz S. Elia Fiumeràpido, Sheet 160 I S.E.), dotyczące zaplecza frontu (Cassino, Sheet II N.E. oraz Pignataro Interamna, Sheet 160 II N.W.) oraz dotyczące sieci współrzędnych dla ostrzału artyleryjskiego (Búdrio, Sheet 88 IV S.W.). Z map topograficznych opracowywanych przez 12 Kompanię Geograficzną wybrano mapy: Italy 1:50 000. Alfonsine, Sheet 89–IV oraz Yugoslavia 1:50 000, Velika Račna, a także Italy 1:100 000 Sheet 76 Ferrara oraz Trieste (Layered) Sheet
dc.description.abstractThe explanations on the war maps, as shown by the cited examples, with particular emphasis in the article on military-intelligence maps from World War II, were necessary. Providing the thematic map with clear, well-prepared explanations allowed for a detailed reading of military content and its correct interpretation necessary for training, command-staff tasks and during combat operations. In the case of military-intelligence maps, they ensure optimal planning of the combat action, minimize own losses and help in achieving victory. Sheets in the GSGS No. 4228 Italy 1:25,000 printed and partially edited by the 12th Geographical Company, although a British publisher published them in one series, had military variation in content. Therefore, the explanations therein differed in terms of content. The topographic background itself, which was used on the printed maps in the scales 1:25,000, 1:50,000 and 1:100,000, was developed with the use of commonly known conventions (which is also shown in the article on the example of Ancona, Sheet 118 IV N.W.), but the thematic content had to be carefully explained. The article discusses three groups of explanations to the thematic content of the sheets: describing the enemy’s frontline defence fortifications (Cassino, Sheet II N.E. and S. Elia Fiumeràpido, Sheet 160 I S.E.), describing the front facilities in terms of logistic possibilities, taking into account obstacles to bypass (Cassino, Sheet II N.E. and Pignataro Interamna, Sheet 160 II N.W.) and describing the network of coordinates intended for artillery fire (Búdrio, Sheet 88 IV S.W.). These three explanations are included in the legends entitled: ‘Military Conventional Signs used by A.A.P.I.U. in the annotations of defences from air photographs’, which were printed on the back of the sheets. When discussing the detailed maps, two examples of explanations are given, one each for the map 1:50,000 (Italy 1:50,000, Alfonsine, Sheet 89-IV and Yugoslavia 1:50,000, Velika Račna) and maps 1:100,000 (Italy 1:100 000, Sheet 76 Ferrara and Trieste (Layered) Sheet 53A), issued for areas far away from the front, which were expected to be occupied next and not necessarily fighting the enemy. It can be said that the image shown on the pre-war maps has been updated. Explanations on military-historical maps, especially those developed by participants of the fights, become, along with the content of these maps, important documents and allow for a more detailed study of the course of battles and drawing the right conclusions. In this group of maps the explanations on the map are discussed in detail. Szkic nr [67] Bój przełamujący 3 Dywizji Strzelców Karpackich nad rzeką Senio 11–13 IV 1945 [Sketch No. 67 Breakthrough fight of the 3rd Carpathian Rifle Division on the Senio River, April 11–13, 1945], print of the 12th Geographic Company, September 1946. Sometimes extensive explanations are not needed on the map. An example of such maps is the Szkic sieci triangulacyjnej odcinka Cassino [Sketch of the triangulation network of the Cassino section] Monte Cairo, Monte Cassino, La Chiaia, Camino, Cannavinelle and Maio, made in
dc.publisherWydawnictwa IHN PANpl
dc.relation.ispartofseriesZ Dziejów Kartografii, ISSN: 0138-0850;T. 24-
dc.subjectII wojna światowapl
dc.subject12 Kompania Geograficznapl
dc.subjectumowne znaki wojskowepl
dc.subjectmapa militarno-wywiadowczapl
dc.subjectmapa wojenno-historycznapl
dc.subjectWorld War IIpl
dc.subject12th Polish Corps Fd. Svy.
dc.subjectmilitary conventional signspl
dc.subjectmilitary-intelligence mappl
dc.subjectmilitary-historical mappl
dc.titleObjaśnienia na mapach tematycznych na przykładzie map wojennych, między innymi 12 Kompanii Geograficznejpl
dc.title.alternativeExplanations on thematic maps on an example war maps, including the 12th Geographical Companypl
dc.typeBook chapterpl
dc.rights.holder© by: IHN PAN & Authorspl
dc.description.AffiliationZespół Historii Kartografii przy Instytucie Historii Nauki PANpl
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dc.identifier.citation2Mapa a tekst, red. nauk. Karol Łopateckipl
dc.conferenceXXXIII Ogólnopolska Konferencja Historyków Kartografii „Mapa a tekst. Związki kartografii z literaturą i innymi tekstami kultury", Supraśl 16–18 września 2020
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):XXXIII Ogólnopolska Konferencja Historyków Kartografii „Mapa a tekst. Związki kartografii z literaturą i innymi tekstami kultury", Supraśl 16–18 września 2020

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