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dc.contributor.authorMalinowśkyj, Artur-
dc.identifier.citationOdessa w literaturach słowiańskich. Studia, redakcja naukowa Jarosław Ławski i Natalia Maliutina, Białystok - Odessa 2016, s. 503-510pl
dc.description.abstractThis article analyzes one of Odessa allusions of I. Goncharov’s roman „Oblomov” in the context of the „sea” text. Considered Crimean idyll of Stolz and typologically similar organization structures of idyllic area. Idyll genre specificity based on its proximity to the utopian area and interpreted in aesthetic perspective. The analysis takes into account the specific of the roman in Russian literature of the 19th century, the situation and aspirations of a threshold for the infinite and universal. This manifests itself in a number of „sea” topos of the roman. It defines the border of the sea, limit events in the art world of the novel. The image of the sea is characterized by ambivalence: on the one hand, it appears as the antithesis of the sea around the idyllic, stationary, staying in static, on the other – it is organically linked with the Crimean idyll, with its opened area. In turn, idill is a part of an „island” area. There is an area of the peninsula, which combines natural and cultural , natural and artificial. This is not an idyll in the strict sense, but approaching to its image „manners in motion”, which makes the novel static. It does not seem so from the perspective of genre to other fragments of the work that largely resembles a „plug-novel”. It provides an idyllic aestheticized version based on natural and cultural synthesis. And Odessa in this context is a symbol of all enlightened, soulful and beautiful. Analysis of „Oblomov” from this perspective suggests, firstly, correlation there such opposing genre began as with a romantic and idyllic, and second, to identify their typological similarities with related to their quality modeling components genre in Russian literature of the nineteenth century. It is found that in the roman of I. Goncharov generic form epics is concretized as slick character moral type work. Its characteristics and properties are embodied in both species of edificated idyll. Thanks to the unity , stable connection between the roman and the idyll in „Oblomov” implemented basic features classically -canonical roman form of the mid-nineteenth century. Particular attention is given to the justification of specificity of artistic synthesis of „Oblomov”, studying of his ways, mechanisms and
dc.publisherWydawnictwo Prymatpl
dc.relation.ispartofseriesColloquia Orientalia Bialostocensia;21-
dc.subjectromantic focuspl
dc.subjectregіstr of genrespl
dc.subjectроманический фокусpl
dc.subjectжанровый регістрpl
dc.subjectроман воспитанияpl
dc.titleОб одной одесской аллюзии в романе И. А. Гончарова «Обломов»pl
dc.title.alternativeOne of Odessa allusions of I. Goncharov’s roman „Oblomov” in the context of the „sea” textpl
dc.typeBook chapterpl
dc.rights.holderCopyright by Katedra Badań Filologicznych UwB, Białystok 2016pl
dc.description.BiographicalnoteМАЛИНОВСКИЙ АРТУР ТИМОФЕЕВИЧ, кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры мировой литературы Одесского национального университета им. И.И. Мечникова. Научные интересы связаны с наследием И. А. Гончарова, исследованием жанрово-типологических аспектов русского романа 19 века, русско-украинских литературных связей.pl
dc.description.referencesГончаров И.А., Обломов, Ленинград 1987, 695 с.pl
dc.description.referencesЛотман Ю.М., О русской литературе. Статьи и исследования, Санкт-Петербург
dc.description.referencesРымарь Н. Т., Порог и язык порога. Поэтика рамы и порогп: функциональные формы границы в художественных языках, Самара
dc.description.referencesТамарченко Н. Д., «Эстетика словесного творчества» Бахтина и русская религиозная философия, Москва 2001, 200 с.pl
dc.description.referencesТамарченко, Н.Д. Русская повесть Серебряного века / (Проблемы поэтики сюжета и жанра), Москва 2007, 256 с.pl
dc.description.referencesТопоров В. Н., Миф. Ритуал. Символ. Образ: Исследования в области мифопоэтического, Москва 1995, 624 с.pl
dc.identifier.citation2Odessa w literaturach słowiańskich. Studia, redakcja naukowa Jarosław Ławski i Natalia Maliutinapl
dc.conferenceI Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa „Obraz Odessy w literaturach słowiańskich”, Odessa, 12-13 września 2013pl
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):I Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa „Obraz Odessy w literaturach słowiańskich”, 12-13 września 2013

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