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2021Legal Instruments to Support Borrowers (Consumers and Entrepreneurs) in Connection with the COVID-19 Pandemic in Poland, and VietnamRutkowska-Tomaszewska, Edyta; Stanisławska, Marta; Trinh, Hien Thuc--
2021Rethinking the Indirect Taxation of Trust in the Reform of the Italian Tax SystemParente, Salvatore Antonello--
2021On Evidence Preclusion in Tax and Control Procedures: a Comparative Legal ApproachEtel, Leonard; Strzelec, Dariusz--
2021Current Problems of Financial Law in Poland and in the Czech Republic Including Effects of the COVID-19 PandemicTyniewicki, Marcin; Kozieł, Michał--
2021Government Fund for Local Investments – Legal Aspects of Financial Support for Local Government Investment Projects during the COVID-19 PandemicOfiarska, Małgorzata--
2021New Income Tax Reliefs for Donations Made by Taxpayers for Purposes Related to Combating the Effects of the COVID-19 PandemicOfiarski, Zbigniew--
2021Electronic Signature of the Taxpayer in Times of COVID-19Goździaszek, Łukasz--
2021Special Legal Solutions Introduced in Regard to the Relationship with COVID-19 Affecting Municipal Budgets – Selected IssuesGlumińska-Pawlic, Jadwiga; Gwóźdź, Tomasz--
2021On Priority Research Problems in the Scope of Public Finance Control in PolandRuśkowski, Eugeniusz--
2021Postępowanie w sprawach podatkowych przed Naczelnym Sądem Administracyjnym w okresie pandemii COVID-19 (2020 r. – lipiec 2021 r.)Presnarowicz, Sławomir--