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dc.contributor.authorMłynarczuk-Sokołowska, Anna-
dc.identifier.citationEnsino Superior em Transição: Estudantes Online|Higher Education in Transition: Students online, coord. Susana Gonçalves, Suzanne Majhanovich, Coimbra 2021, p. 55-78pl
dc.identifier.isbn978-989-54520-8-8 (impresso)-
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this chapter is to analyze chosen problems and challenges related to developing teachers’ competencies to work in a culturally diverse environment (Polish reality) in the context of the first lockdown period. The text consists of two complementary parts. The first one shows the main issues connected to teacher education from the perspective of higher education. The second one presents the situation of students from refugee backgrounds related to their participation in remote education during the lockdown period (including the research interviews carried out by the author of the chapter). The analyses presented in the chapter show that one of the priorities of teacher education is to develop their professional competencies in the field of providing remote education with culturally diverse groups taking into account the needs of students from migrant backgrounds (especially refugees). The interviews conducted by the author of the chapter present the fact that remoteeducation was associated with many difficulties for refugee students. This resulted from the fact that the teachers did not take into consideration the situation and special needs of this group of students. This chapter may be useful for anyone interested in preparing teachers to work in a culturally diverse environment taking into account new challenges. The issues analyzed in it may provide inspiration for designing further research on the teachers’ competencies in remote education in a culturally diverse
dc.relation.ispartofseriesEstratégias de Ensino e Sucesso Académico: Boas Práticas no Ensino Superior;10-
dc.subjectteacher competenciespl
dc.subjectremote educationpl
dc.subjectstudents with refugee backgroundpl
dc.subjectculturally diverse environmentpl
dc.titleStudents with refugee background in the Polish educational system in the context of a lockdown periodpl
dc.typeBook chapterpl
dc.rights.holder©2021, CINEP/IPC;-
dc.description.BiographicalnoteAnna Młynarczuk-Sokołowska – doctor of social sciences in the field of pedagogy, assistant professor in the Department of Intercultural and Elementary Education, Faculty of Education, University of Bialystok, vice-president of the University of Bialystok Foundation (2010– 2019), intercultural adviser at the Dialog Foundation (2015–2012). As a theoretician and practitioner interested in intercultural education (refugees integration, non-formal intercultural education, methodology and designing of intercultural education, etc.). The author/co-author of monographs e.g. From Strangeness to Otherness. Intercultural Non-formal Education in Poland… (2015), Cultural contexts of childhood. Anthropological and pedagogical sketches (co-author: A. Kożyczkowska), articles i.a. Experiencing Migration: A Child in a New Socio-Cultural Environment “Culture and Education” 2020, editor of the scientific and methodological monographs, including Adventure of Other… (2015), the author of research (i.a. Intercultural Non-Formal Education in Poland…, National Science Center, 2011–2013) and social projects (Towards Enriching Diversity, 2009), including trainings and workshops of Polish as a foreign language. Since 2008, working with refugees (mainly Chechens and Ukrainian). Co-creator of two educational innovation (the multicultural portfolio method, the intercultural tails method). Winner of the first place in the World Organization for Early Childhood Education OMEP (2012), scholar of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for Outstanding Young Scientists (2018–2020),
dc.description.AffiliationWydział Nauk o Edukacjipl
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