Przeglądaj przez Autor Koch, Sebastian

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Data wydaniaTytułAutor(rzy)PromotorRedaktor(rzy)
2020About Graph ComplementsKoch, Sebastian--
2019About Graph MappingsKoch, Sebastian--
2021About Graph SumsKoch, Sebastian--
2020About Graph Unions and IntersectionsKoch, Sebastian--
2017About Quotient Orders and Ordering SequencesKoch, Sebastian--
2023About Regular GraphsKoch, Sebastian--
2018About Supergraphs. Part IKoch, Sebastian--
2018About Supergraphs. Part IIKoch, Sebastian--
2019About Supergraphs. Part IIIKoch, Sebastian--
2019About Vertex MappingsKoch, Sebastian--
2020Extended Natural Numbers and CountersKoch, Sebastian--
2022Introduction to Graph ColoringsKoch, Sebastian--
2023Introduction to Graph EnumerationsKoch, Sebastian--
2020Miscellaneous Graph PreliminariesKoch, Sebastian--
2021Miscellaneous Graph Preliminaries. Part IKoch, Sebastian--
2019Natural Addition of OrdinalsKoch, Sebastian--
2020Refined Finiteness and Degree Properties in GraphsKoch, Sebastian--
2018Some Remarks about Product SpacesKoch, Sebastian--
2019Underlying Simple GraphsKoch, Sebastian--
2020Unification of Graphs and Relations in MizarKoch, Sebastian--