Crossroads. A Journal of English Studies, 2013, Issue 1 : [7]
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  1. Boyd H. Davis, Ralf Thiede, Mary K. Smith
    Cross-cultural Socialization into a Common Profession: Exploring how Nursing Students in Taiwan and in the U.S. Narrate Professional Identity

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    40. Turale, Sue, Shih Fu-Jin, Areewan Klunklin, Ratanawadee Chontawan, Misae Ito and Fujiko Nakao. 2010. Asia-Pacific nursing scholarship development: Qualitative exploration of nurse scholars in Taiwan (Republic of China). Journal of Clinical Nursing 19. 2601-10. DOI
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    42. Watson, Jean. 2002. Assessing and Measuring Caring in Nursing and Health Science. New York: Springer.
  2. Weronika Łaszkiewicz
    Finding God(s) in Fantasylands: Religious Ideas in Fantasy Literature

    1. Abanes, Richard. 2002. Fantasy and Your Family. Exploring The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and Modern Magick. Camp Hill: Christian Publications.
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    15. Tuttle, Lisa. 2005. Writing Fantasy and Science Fiction. London: A & C Black.
  3. Rafał Modzelewski
    Virtual Togetherness: Sense of Identity and Community in Cyberspace

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  4. Gerrard Mugford
    Face, linguistic (im)politeness and polyphony in Thomas Hardy’s Far from the Madding Crowd

    1. Aston, Guy. 1989. Learning Comity: An approach to the description and pedagogy of interaction speech. Ph.D. Dissertation, Institute of Education, University of London.
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    22. Spencer-Oatey, Helen (ed.). 2008. Culturally Speaking: managing rapport through talk across culture. London: Continuum.
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  5. Anna M. Tomczak
    Rushdie Affair Revisited

    1. Basu, Shrabani. 1988. Interview with Salman Rushdie. In: Lisa Appignanesi and Sara Maitland (eds.). 1990 [1989]. The Rushdie File. 32-33. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press.
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  7. Michael W. Thomas
    “Other Than They Were”: Fair Places Full of Folk

    1. Barnes, Julian. 2011. The Sense Of An Ending. London: Cape.
    2. Jack, Ian. 2009. The Country Formerly Known As Great Britain. London: Vintage.
    3. Marcus, Laura. 1994. Auto/biographical discourses. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
    4. Thomas, Michael W. 2014. Batmans Hill, South Staffs: 1961-1972. London: Flipped Eye.


  9. Kirk S. Palmer
    Beyond the Canon: Second Looks at Oft-Neglected Books

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Collection's Items (Sortowane przez Data zamieszczenia w Malejąco kolejnośi): 1 do 7 z 7
Data wydaniaTytułAutor(rzy)PromotorRedaktor(rzy)
2013Finding God(s) in Fantasylands: Religious Ideas in Fantasy LiteratureŁaszkiewicz, Weronika--
2013Face, linguistic (im)politeness and polyphony in Thomas Hardy’s Far from the Madding CrowdMugford, Gerrard--
2013“Other Than They Were”: Fair Places Full of FolkThomas, Michael W.--
2013Virtual Togetherness: Sense of Identity and Community in CyberspaceModzelewski, Rafał--
2013Cross-cultural Socialization into a Common Profession: Exploring how Nursing Students in Taiwan and in the U.S. Narrate Professional IdentityDavis, Boyd H.; Thiede, Ralf; Smith, Mary K.--
2013Beyond the Canon: Second Looks at Oft-Neglected BooksPalmer, Kirk S.--
2013Rushdie Affair RevisitedTomczak, Anna Maria--
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