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dc.contributor.authorKostyukov, Aleksander-
dc.contributor.authorMaslov, Kirill-
dc.identifier.citationOptimization of Organization and Legal Solutions concerning Public Revenues and Expenditures in Public Interest (Conference Proceedings), ed. Ewa Lotko, Urszula K. Zawadzka-Pąk, Michal Radvan, Bialystok-Vilnius 2018, s. 449-460pl
dc.description.abstractThis contribution deals with the issues of the collection of taxes in the fiscal security context. The main aim of the contribution is to confirm or disprove the hypothesis that collection of taxes, being the sign of tax sovereignty, is one of the most important methods of provision for national fiscal security. The methodology of the study includes general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, comparison, description) as well as particular legal academic methods (interpretation of legal acts, formal-legal method). The Authors analyze scientific approaches to the concept of national security as a generic term to the fiscal security, highlights its elements and contents. The Authors note that the state, public and personal security shouldn’t be opposed each other, but they should be considered as elements of a unified system of national security. Full and effective implementation of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and their communities equally meets the needs of national security as the protection of the interests of the state as a whole. The Authors prove that national security and tax security, in particular, are achievable only in conditions of genuine state
dc.publisherTemida 2pl
dc.subjectFiscal securitypl
dc.subjecttax sovereigntypl
dc.subjectthe collection of taxespl
dc.titleThe Role of National Fiscal Security and Tax Sovereignty in Collection of Taxespl
dc.typeBook chapterpl
dc.description.EmailAleksander Kostyukov:
dc.description.EmailKirill Maslov: maslov.omsu@gmail.compl
dc.description.BiographicalnoteAleksander Kostyukov - Professor for Financial Law, Head of Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Faculty of Law, Dostoevsky Omsk State University, Russian Federation. The Author specializes in tax law and local selfgovernment finance. He is the author of more than 10 books and more than 150 reviewed articles in prestigious legal journals. He is a member of Information and Organization Centre for the Research on the Public Finances and Tax Law in the Countries of Central and Eastern
dc.description.BiographicalnoteKirill Maslov - Associate professor for Financial Law, Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Faculty of Law, Dostoevsky Omsk State University, Russian Federation. The Author specializes in tax law and tax administration. He is the author of 5 books and more than 40 reviewed articles in Russian legal
dc.description.AffiliationAleksander Kostyukov - Dostoevsky Omsk State Universitypl
dc.description.AffiliationKirill Maslov - Dostoevsky Omsk State Universitypl
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dc.identifier.citation2Optimization of Organization and Legal Solutions concerning Public Revenues and Expenditures in Public Interest (Conference Proceedings), ed. Ewa Lotko, Urszula K. Zawadzka-Pąk, Michal Radvanpl
dc.conferenceXVI International Scientific Conference "The Optimization of Organization and Legal Solutions concerning Public Revenues and Expenditures in Social Interest", Vilnius 21-22 September 2017pl
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Książki / Rozdziały (Temida2)
XVI International Scientific Conference "The Optimization of Organization and Legal Solutions concerning Public Revenues and Expenditures in Social Interest" 21-22 September 2017

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